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Micro switch line problems should be how to solve
作者: 發(fā)布于:2017-03-07 11:05:26 點(diǎn)擊量:1739

Shrapnel in the entire switch is a link of the connection, so the flexibility of the need to grasp the limit, the general user does not understand the extent of the elastic limit in which, but in the touch process can be found, if the success of a slight touch , So do not need too hard, of course, touch requirements or find the best high-end manufacturers. Micro-switch is mainly used in the mouse, this product in the use of the process need to button, so the gasket on the treatment should be very good, in the leverage of a contact effect on the manufacturers need to give the best guarantee, The process does not have to use too much effort to be able to complete the work, in the touch effect of this product can bring people a good experience.


Micro switch in the type is divided into many kinds, whether in accordance with the volume or internal construction can be divided into many types, but in the application effect are roughly the same, in the production principle is similar, the first is the degree of sensitivity can be satisfactory , Electronic products is the most critical is the degree of sensitivity, no matter how many areas you divided if the degree of sensitivity can not make customer satisfaction, then this product will eventually be eliminated by the market. In the micro-switch industry, the factory needs to do is to do the best in the processing of various components, especially the degree of response to shrapnel.

Of course, in cooperation with the electronic products business in the process of timely return to the product, so as to be able to clear their own switches in the course of the use of the process will not be any problems? Short circuit is the function of the error, and need to pay attention to is the line The connection is to be fully welded, and the entire operation is done in the factory in the shortest possible time, and the welding is required for three seconds, so that the burnout does not cause the sensitivity to drop.

For more information, please visit http://wwwyuanf.net


下一篇:Micro switch principle

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